Earlier this week my best-friend Sophia celebrated her birthday, and also held a women's conference called "The voice behind the mask" in Dallas TX, and I left the event with a lot of thoughts and ways I wanted to better change my life. The vision behind the event was of course to empower women, but also to get them to take off the masks and stop hiding their true self. I can't speak for anyone else, but I have moments when I wear a mask, in order to shy away my potentials and stay in my little bubble, because that bubble is comfortable. It holds no responsibility, I know of all the ins and outs, I mean why would I ever want to leave? but then I started to think. What if that bubble to stopping me from living the life that God initially wanted for me? From the moment the conference ended, I have been thinking of ways in my mind to show up as her(the women that God sees), the women without the insecurities, the worries of this world. A fearless women.
Whether it may in the physical shape of things or spiritual. I want to start carrying myself, as who God intended me to be. Not to say to will be easy, because changes are often times difficult and takes time. But I'm willing, only because I know I have so much more to offer. So I encourage you to do the same. challenge yourself into becoming the best version of you, who knows you might actually love it.
Love Softlee Spoken