With so much happening these days, it can often feel like things in life are becoming a bit too overwhelming. I think this is an area we can all relate to in some shape or form. We sometimes set these goals for ourselves with a specific timeframe and sometimes things don’t always go as planned. But how do we deal with that? I don't know about you guys but apart from the bible, there are no other books on life and how to handle situations, let alone what, when or how situations will occur. Yea people share their version of how they handled or dealt with a situation but who’s to say what they tried will work for you.
I think new situations will always arise to test our faith, but how we respond will determine the outcome. Whatever you are going through in your mind, I am here to encourage you to not give up, instead keep the faith. Find ways to stay positive whether it be through a song or a bible verse. And If that does not work, think back of how God made a way back then, He may not have made a way on your time, but He is never late.
I am often reminded of the goodness of God, how He has always been there and has brought peace in the midst of the pain or struggle being experienced at that time.
I am often reminded of how far I've come, and though there were moments(more often than expected) that I wanted to give up, something just kept on pushing me forward.
I often think to myself, it does not take much reminding from God to bring me to a place of “God I believe in you”. Truth be told, if I were to share with you just a snippet of my life’s journey, you would know that along the way God definitely had to intervene, like always.
I am a reminder of God’s goodness, my family is a reminder of God’s goodness. And that is something no one can ever take from me or them.
I am forever grateful for how far God has brought me, though I am not yet where I desire to be, each day I take a step closer to my purpose. And honestly that is something that no one can ever take away from me.
Love always Softlee Spoken