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Writer's picture: Amandine DutervilAmandine Dutervil

There’s a song by Elevation worship & Maverick city music called “Million Little Miracles”, and the lyrics to that song speak to existence that the blessings of God are unmeasurable. And in this season of my life, this song is a reminder that God’s miracles in my life are beyond my wildest dreams. For those who know of me and of my story, you would understand my choice of words when I say, “I am blessed beyond my imagination”.

I remember being 17 years old and losing my father, and thinking life was over. I mean, i grew up in church, but I was not at the spiritual point where I had faith to believe “All will be ok”. The only thing I knew is that I could not give up, because I had dreams of becoming bigger than what my circumstances looked like, so I did just that.

I graduated high school and went forth to pursue my undergrad, which during the last semester I was evicted from my apartment, and lost my car. Even when those material things were gone, I wanted to believe there was more to life. And with God and the support from family and friends, I held on. The day I walked across that stage was a reminder that there is nothing that God cannot do, because by that time, those small material things that were lost, I gained them all back. I could have allowed what looked and seemed like a failure stage in my life to contradict the word God spoke over me, but I didn’t, instead I kept on going.

Fast forward to getting engaged in 2020, married in 2021, and graduating with my Masters degree shortly after, I would say that my life has simply been filled with unmeasurable miracles. I am nowhere near perfect or so deserving of anything, but I thank God for never turning away from me, even in the moments when He should have.

I’m not much of a talker, but there are so many things in my life that I am thankful for. And for those who truly know and have been with me for a while, you know that I don’t ask for much. I don’t care about materialistic things or attention, for that matter. I humbly just stay in my cool and calm vibe at all times. So In honor of my birthday, here are 29 facts about me.

  1. Born in Haiti on May ,23, 1993

  2. Parents name: Mathania Jean & Ernest Dutervil (RIP)

  3. 2nd child on Mom’s side, and 5th on Dad’s side

  4. Came to the U.S in May of 2004

  5. Graduated high school in 2011(Rockets)

  6. Undergrad in Healthcare administration

  7. Became an Author in 20218

  8. Married to Piero Millicent

  9. Master’s in Public health

  10. Circle of friends are really SMALL lol (they’re the best)

  11. Sarcastic a bit lol

  12. Heart of Gold

  13. Mom is my HERO

  14. Love my in-laws

  15. Jesus lover

  16. Dedicated and focused on becoming better

  17. Working-out is my new lifestyle (I don’t love it yet lol)

  18. Love worship/gospel music (how can you not lol)

  19. I love to journal (It’s my happy place)

  20. Long walk on the beach at night

  21. Red sweet wine lover

  22. I go 0 to 100 reallllll quick (pray for me lol)

  23. Big movie fan

  24. Introverted lol

  25. Love seeing people WIN

  26. Optimistic

  27. Co-owner of Softlee Spoken LLC

  28. Family over everything

  29. What’s life without margarita and long island lol

Love Softlee Spoken


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